Superhero movies are graded on a curve—even in the midst of the best ones, we look past the genre’s failings. We’re willing to sit through another dull origin story to see likeable actors doing goofy shit (see Doctor Strange). We know that by the third act, anything funny and unique will be obliterated in a maelstrom of CGI (see Guardians of the Galaxy). And we make peace with the fact that character, story, and momentum will be sacrificed upon the altar of corporate synergy (see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, or, better yet, don’t).
Even when a superhero movie is legitimately good—be it The Avengers or Captain America: The Winter Soldier—it usually comes with a disclaimer. The Dark Knight is impressive, so long as you focus on its stunning parts and not the crudely taped-together whole. Iron Man 3 is witty and subversive, so long as you’ve memorized every Marvel movie leading up to it.
But now, 17 years after X-Men kickstarted the superhero genre, we get something like Logan. Something that isn’t just a great superhero movie, but a great movie. No disclaimers, no curve. Logan is fantastic.