Hi. I’m Francine Colman-Gutierrez. Here are some things Trump supporters are wrong about.
“Donald Trump will finally take away abortion”:
Wrong. I’ve got three abortions planned for next week.
“Trump will build a wall between us and Mexico”:
And if it’s like everything else he’s built, it’ll go out of business in six months.
“The Trump Administration has a mandate”:
Maybe you should Google the definition of “mandate.” Wait... let me show you how to use Google.
“Trump will enforce a Muslim registry”:
He’ll be too busy running “re-education camps” for reporters.
“Russia had nothing to do with Hillary losing the election”:
Fucking up democracy is literally the only thing Russians are good at.
“Trump doesn’t need daily intelligence briefings”:
Because he gets his briefings directly from the KGB?
“Trump can’t have ‘conflicts of interest’ because he’s the president”:
Tell that to the impeachment committee.